Khabib Nurmagomedov Batalkan Laga versus Tony Ferguson di UFC 249


TANJUNGPINANG (suarasiber) – Pertarungan UFC 249 antara Khabib Nurmagomedov vs Tony Ferguson, yang dijadwalkan 18 April 2020, dipastikan batal. Setelah Khabib menyatakan mundur dari pertarungan itu.

Selain karena lockdown di Dagestan, Rusia, ketidakjelasan lokasi pertarungan menjadi alasan mundurnya Khabib dari laga tersebut.

Keputusan mengundurkan diri dari laga UFC 249 itu, disampaikan Khabib melalui akun Instagram resmi miliknya @khabib_nurmagomedov.

Staying home in quarantine and reading the reaction of people to the situation around my fight, it turns out that the whole world should be in quarantine, governments of all countries, famous people around the world urge people to follow all safety requirements in order to limit the spread of the disease, to save people, and Khabib is the only one relieved of all obligations and must demonstrate free will and train flying around the world, for the sake of fight? –

I understand everything and I’m definitely upset more than you to cancel the fight, probably like all others, I had many plans after the fight, but I can’t control it all.

The greatest countries and the largest companies of our time are shocked by what is happening, every day the situation changes unpredictably.

But Khabib still has to fight, is that what you saying?

Take care of yourself and put yourself in my shoes.”

Postingan yang diunggah Khabib, Kamis (2/4/2020) itu, sudah disukai sekitar 672 ribu kali.

Hingga saat ini, lokasi pertarungan memang belum bisa dipastikan akan dilaksanakan di mana. Karena, Amerika sedang melakukan social distancing ketat.

Walau begitu, bos besar UFC Dana White masih bersikeras akan tetap menggelar laga di tanggal 18 April. Dia bahkan bertekad menggelar laga, walau tanpa penonton sama sekali. Sesuatu yang banyak ditentang banyak pihak. Termasuk Khabib sendiri yang akhirnya menyatakan mundur dari laga itu. (mat)
